Riding after scoliosis surgery

In this article, we will focus on a Vestride client who gave us her feedback about her relationship with horseback riding.

πŸ‘©πŸΌ Valentine is a 22 years old rider who is passionate about horseback riding since she was 6 years old.

– Hello Valentine, tell us about your past with horse riding? When did you start? How did it become your passion?

“I started riding when I was about 6 years old and progressed quickly until I reached a super great level at the age of 17. Like any rider with a passion, my parents bought me a horse which has been part of my life since 2012. My mother was also riding at that time, so that’s why we decided to invest in a horse.”

– But, if everything was going well, why did you stop riding?

“Well, unfortunately, I had to put my passion and my riding career on hold. In fact, I have two scolioses, a very severe deformation of the spine. I have always had it, since I was a child, and I have always ridden with this back problem. But one day I had to be operated, the operation is called arthrodesis. I’ll spare you the technical and medical details, but it was a very heavy operation that lasts about seven hours and usually takes a year to recover from.”

– Did you have to say: “Goodbye competitions, goodbye afternoons at the stables, goodbye my passion” ?

“Yes, it was very complicated. I lost everything: I lost my sporting abilities, my years of training and all the progress my horse had made.”

– How long after your operation have you been able to ride again ?

“At first, I was told I could never go back to riding, and I said no way πŸ˜…. After my operation I was on bed rest for a whole month, then I had physiotherapy once or twice a week for a year. I couldn’t do any sports for a year, just walking. I started physical activity with swimming, and when my back was no longer hurting I got back on my horse.

– How is it going today?

“After the arthrodesis, sport has become more complicated than before. You lose flexibility and mobility. My back still hurts sometimes but otherwise I manage to deal with my new sensations and my pain.

– So when you started riding again, you took an airbag vest from us. Can you explain your choice?

“For me it was unthinkable to ride without an airbag. If I have a heavy fall, I risk being paralysed for life (because my operation was done next to my spinal cord). It’s really very dangerous and very risky. But as we said, passion above all. That’s why I took the Complet II Hit-air model from Vestride, because you informed me very well and you really put yourself in my shoes by understanding my situation and my problem.”

– Thank you ! So, are you satisfied with this airbag ? Does it reassure you?

“Yes, it reassures me a lot! I know that an airbag does not prevent a fall, but it does cushion it. There is never a zero risk of getting hurt, I am aware of that. This airbag is really top notch, it’s quite light I don’t feel it when I ride, and I think it’s pretty hot 😁. It’s really the neck collar and the back brace that made the difference, that’s a really important argument for me.”

– Well thank you Valentine for sharing, we hope you get back to a good level! Looking forward to seeing you at Vestride πŸ‘‹πŸ»