The different protection standards

The different protection standards

Published on 19 December 2022

What are the standards today ?

➡️ Every airbag manufacturer needs to submit their products to be certified. The certification authority checks and validates that the airbag complies with the European standards and thus that it can be marketed. Among these tests, we find the triggering force, the inflation time, the resistance to bad weather… Once all these tests are passed, the airbag can be placed on the market and therefor delivered to Vestride !  🎉

✅ Any safety product intended to be marketed in Europe must obtain a CE certification, issued by the certification authority.

This certification attests that the product complies with the Personal Protective Regulations.

It’s the ALIENOR laboratory that carried out all the tests on our products on Vestride. This means that all airbags meet the NF S72-800:2022 standards which are part of the CE Certification.

The NF S72-800:2022 standard is the first and only standard developed for equestrian airbags. After 3 years of world, a committee of French experts published these norms of safety and usage in February 2022. Before these standards, no official standards existed.

If you have any questions regarding the certification in your country, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer your queries.

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